Do you like beer?I do.Don't look at this post with a side eye just because I'm a lady.I'm a proud beer drinker. I'm also a proud Rosé drinker but on a warm summer day I'll drink a nice ice-cold beer in a heart beat.Recently, I came across a site/company called Hopsy. I didn't think anything of it until I was given an offer to try some local craft beer (beer from the Bronx actually) for a great price. I'll tell you now, the price of a few growlers that contained craft beer sold me. So I did a bit research.Before we continue, I know you may be thinking: "Why do I need to order beer? I can go downstairs and across the street and pick up a six-pack of Budweiser's and call it a day."First of all, I'm here to help you get away from the average beer. I'm going to tell you how to get some refreshing craft beer while not leaving your couch. The beer comes to YOU. Secondly, it's really good beer. I promise you. And it's good enough to bring to a cook-out, a birthday party, a friends bbq, or even impress your netflix-and-chill buddy.Here's how it works, go to the website: on the "get started" buttonSelect your location of delivery (West Coast, East Coast, Midwest, and Somewhere Else) Click the "get started" button againThis will take you to a page for you figure out what your flavor profile isOnce you receive your flavor profile results you can then move on to ordering your first box of growlersLagers are my thing, and I enjoy light beers because they are refreshing, some contain fruit, and I noticed I like lagers with food (specifically burgers or hot wings).My first box contained 4 small growlers of the following craft beers: Greenport Harbor's Tidal Lager, Heineken's H41 Wild Lager (this was not the traditional Heineken beer, this was a special edition), Sixpoint's Crisp Pils, and Souther Tier Brewing's Pilsner.
The above "pack" was called the "Hopsy - Light Pack".The site allows you to pick a ship date so you can make sure you are home when it gets delivered. Since this is alcohol, someone above the age of 21 should be home to sign for the beer. Hopsy's customer service is great! They are super helpful and will work with you when it comes to deliveries.I hope you give it a try and click the link below to get some beer-on-demand!LINK: